University of Liverpool fellow Dr Stefanos Siozios has been awarded £140,000 from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme to investigate ways of preventing midges transmitting viruses to livestock. Professor Greg Hurst, from the University’s Institute of Integrative Biology and a collaborator in the research, said: “A better understanding of this immensely complicated relationship between symbionts, insect and virus could help us prevent the spread of viruses to our livestock.”
Research into effect of salt
The role of salt in the diet of pregnant women is to be examined in new research looking at the causes of pre-eclampsia, a potentially life-threatening condition to mother and baby. The research team at The University of Nottingham’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit at the City Hospital have been awarded more than £470,000 by the British Heart Foundation to examine the condition, which begins with sudden onset of high blood pressure and protein in the urine and affects up to six per cent of pregnant women.
Cancer programme
A new £4.1 million research programme to focus on new ways to prevent and predict cancer development and progression has been launched by Cancer Research UK and the University of Bristol. The five-year Integrative Cancer Epidemiology Programme, funded by Cancer Research UK, will use advances in genetics and molecular technology to understand the causes of the disease and help develop preventative interventions in people at risk of, or diagnosed with, cancer.